
How to get 4000 YouTube hours and fulfill the conditions within for free

How to get 4000 YouTube hours and fulfill the conditions within for free

Hello my dear friend – today I will put a simple explanation of how to get 4000 hours and achieve the conditions of YouTube in a very easy way 

How to get 4000 YouTube hours and fulfill the conditions within for free

At first, the process depends on a very simple code that is used to get 4000 hours for free 

Code: user / 

@echo off
“C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome Dev\Application\
start chrome “
start chrome “
timeout /t 12000>nul
taskkill /f /IM chrome.exe /T > nul
timeout /t 60
goto loop

How to use the code 

1- Use the code from a powerful device 

2- Create a playlist on YouTube 

3- Edit the links in red color to your playlist links 

After applying these things, save the code in us7p.bat format and click on it to run the process 

After that, there will be excellent results for getting 4000 hours on YouTube in just one day 


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